Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Before my Higher Calling

I don't talk much about it, but before what Ma calls my "Higher Calling" to K-9 Town, I was a real do-gooder.

They called me "Attorney with Paws." 

I did some travelling. Had to. Some of my friends were victims of unwarranted accusations... for the most part. I had to get them to stop confessin'. 

Anyway, the time came for me to turn the reins over to my baby brother, Babee Blue. He took to it easily. 

Halloween has always been a problem. Ghost and goblins running amuck then disappearing. Us getting the blame for their messes.

Not this Halloween! Babee found their lair and he's holding them in there. I offered our help, but he says it's under control. Especially after he warned them that K-9 Town is backin' him. 

Good job Babee!



  1. I love that Babee Blue is following in Omar’s footsteps! Just in time for Halloween. He’s going to need all the help he can get, my 3 pranksters are plotting and scheming already!

    1. They're working with Babee to get rid of the Halloween demons.
