We've been waiting impatiently, for our next episode, about the timber wolves coming here to take over. Ma says that's because we love seeing stuff about ourselves. No comment! Anyway, it's here. Before we go over to Altered Reality Magazine, my pack wants me to give 'em some of what happened, to refresh their memories. Sure... like we forget anything. Arf arf.
“Omar supposes you’ll get to it—if you don’t—that’s fine too.” Thor circled a spot, then flopped down, chortling. “I’m thinking differently, though. Let’s hear it Bennie! Now. And you better not leave nothin out!” He tilted his head sideways and crossed his front legs. “Well!”
“Okay, okay!” Bennie yelped, softly… too softly… out of character…
Suspicious, Thor narrowed his eyes and waited for what came next. Payback! Bennie inhaled a chest full of air, then let out the loudest howl he’d ever heard, barring none. The wolf snickered a toothy grin and began, “As a puppy, I was sickly. Ma and Pa didn’t want to be burdened, so one day they up and left me—just like that—left me, to fend for myself. I foraged. Ate everything I could get my paws on. That’s what pups do anyway."
Rubbing a throbbing ear, while taking in every word, Thor woofed, “That must have been hard for a little pup.”
“Don’t interrupt, Thor!… I came across three timber wolves one day—about my age—Shocka and his two brothers. Never knew what happened to their folks. Shocka and me got along fine. The other two always gawked and whispered when they thought I couldn’t hear. They was mean and sneaky.
They got up the nerve one day, though, when Shocka wasn’t around. They jumped me! Thought they knew me, but they didn’t. I lit into them like a raging bull. They were slow. I bit, pawed, kicked, and stomped. Before long, I had killed one, and the other was in a bad way.”
Thor stood and began to pace, breathing heavily. He walked a short distance, then peered over his shoulder at Bennie. The glance calmed him. He’s okay now. No need getting riled at something that happened long time ago. Satisfied he’d overcome his unsettling conduct, he barked, “Keep going, Bennie! I’m listening!”
Gettin good, huh. Ruff ruff. There's lots more over at the magazine.
Gotta go! Come with me.