Thursday, November 5, 2020

Omar Blue and the Powers Within

We've been waiting impatiently, for our next episode, about the timber wolves coming here to take over. Ma says that's because we love seeing stuff about ourselves. No comment! Anyway, it's here. Before we go over to Altered Reality Magazine, my pack wants me to give 'em some of what happened, to refresh their memories. Sure... like we forget anything. Arf arf. 

I'm tellin some of Bennie's part of this month's episode. You know how I like to tease Bennie.  Too bad my Iron Dog brother Thor, ain't here to back me. 

I'm not even going into what the puppies were doing. See for yourselves.

"Come on down Bennie, I ain't talkin about you... for real!" ruff ruff.

No! I ain't comin down there. You always doing somethin, Omar! Go ahead and git it over with! Hope he's tellin' the good parts.

Wolfhound Winnie (Bennie's gal)

Come on, Bennie. I saved you a spot by me.

Nope! Not comin. I'll see ya later, Winnie. 

Stubborn thing. I was waiting for my baby brother, Babee, anyway. Here he comes now.

Okay, here goes. It's Bennie and Thor, when they got together...

Bennie finally heaved a sigh, then growled, “Did Omar mention, besides both of us being ornery and mean, what caused the hate between Shocka Din and me? That’s part of the reason they’re comin, you know.

Omar supposes you’ll get to it—if you don’t—that’s fine too.” Thor circled a spot, then flopped down, chortling. “I’m thinking differently, though. Let’s hear it Bennie! Now. And you better not leave nothin out!” He tilted his head sideways and crossed his front legs. “Well!”

Okay, okay!” Bennie yelped, softly… too softly… out of character…

Suspicious, Thor narrowed his eyes and waited for what came next. Payback! Bennie inhaled a chest full of air, then let out the loudest howl he’d ever heard, barring none. The wolf snickered a toothy grin and began, “As a puppy, I was sickly. Ma and Pa didn’t want to be burdened, so one day they up and left me—just like that—left me, to fend for myself. I foraged. Ate everything I could get my paws on. That’s what pups do anyway."

Rubbing a throbbing ear, while taking in every word, Thor woofed, “That must have been hard for a little pup.”

Don’t interrupt, Thor!… I came across three timber wolves one day—about my age—Shocka and his two brothers. Never knew what happened to their folks. Shocka and me got along fine. The other two always gawked and whispered when they thought I couldn’t hear. They was mean and sneaky.

They got up the nerve one day, though, when Shocka wasn’t around. They jumped me! Thought they knew me, but they didn’t. I lit into them like a raging bull. They were slow. I bit, pawed, kicked, and stomped. Before long, I had killed one, and the other was in a bad way.”

Thor stood and began to pace, breathing heavily. He walked a short distance, then peered over his shoulder at Bennie. The glance calmed him. He’s okay now. No need getting riled at something that happened long time ago. Satisfied he’d overcome his unsettling conduct, he barked, “Keep going, Bennie! I’m listening!”


Gettin good, huh. Ruff ruff. There's lots more over at the magazine.

Gotta go! Come with me.


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Babee Blue and the impatient neighbors

My pack is howling. We're reminiscing this evening, about when Babee first came home to me and Ma. He was a handful. My friends around the neighborhood couldn't wait to see him. They came in disguises but they didn't fool us for a minute.

Join us. I'll start from the beginning...back then...


My new little brother is here. Ma says I can take him to K-9 Town to play with the other puppies soon. They're waiting for him. In the meantime, I'm teaching him stuff. 

My neighborhood friends want to help but Ma says she and I can do it. I know them, they just want to play with him, anyway.

Some of them tried to fool us, so Ma wouldn't know who they were.

"Hi Ms. Omar Blue's Mama. I'm not Judy Lambert's boy, Baloo the Rottie. I'm a farmer boy. Can I come in and help you with somethin."

Ma recognized him. "Baloo, I know it's you! Git back home."

"It ain't me!" he yapped peering over his shoulder, as he trotted away pondering his next attempt. 

A little later we heard noise on the back patio.

"Hello. I'm lost and I don't live around the corner with Valrie Mansfield. That's another Moose. I'm tired. Can I come in to rest a bit? You gotta puppy in there, who can git me some water?" 

Ma squinted her eyes and moved closer for a better look. "I know it's you, Moose. We don't need help with training. You go right back home. And be careful!"

As Moose scurried away Ma couldn't contain herself. She laughed out loud.

Then... Just as things got quiet again, there was a low bark at the door.

"Hello Omar's Mama. I'm with the law. I been sent here to train a puppy. I may look like Dr. Watson from next door, but I'm not him. Send the puppy out!"

"You are too Dr. Watson!" Ma blurted out. "You get home right now before I call Erik and Jodie over here and tell them what you're up to."

Dr. Watson turned and darted out of our yard, into his. Ma laughed so hard, she couldn't control herself.

We've started Babee's training... 

Tomorrow I'm going to round up my friends. Obviously, me and Ma need all the help we can get.

Babee Blue's gonna to fit in with the naughty little pups at K-9 Town just fine. I won't tell Ma but I like him just like he is. Feisty!

* **
Hope you enjoyed reminiscing with me and my pack. Babee's a big boy now. I'm not living at home, but he visits us here at K-9 Town often, and he's taking care of Ma just fine. See...

Come back soon. Love to all.
