Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Big Surprise

 Hi everyone.

Things had been pretty quiet here for a while. Then, one day I was doing my usual, you know, walking around enjoying how great K-9 Town is, when something came over me.

It was a weird feeling, but I knew what it was right away.

I'm gonna let Ma explain it 'cause she always does it better.

As a matter of fact, I'm gonna round up the pack and head over to our YouTube channel. She's tellin' it over there... Come along.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ode to Omar Blue

It's not easy being the leader of K-9 Town, but Omar Blue thinks nothing of the challenges brought about by the wilderness they've selected to call home. Going beyond the call of duty never outweighs the bonds created through friendships and loyalties of his pack.

He wouldn't have it any other way...

The Pack Leader’s Task


Omar never mentions

the trails he walks alone

to shield his beloved K-9 Town

from obstacles unknown.


Sometimes he walks for hours

sometimes he’s gone all day

to see what threats await his pack

to handle them his way.


He calls his trekking, thoughtful strolls

that’s only partially true

he’s seeking signs of danger

if only the others knew.


His pack would rally at his side

rain, sleet, sun, or snow

but he shall never tell them

and they shall never know.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Some of the pack went out to get a look at our story. Thanks, all of you, who have taken us into your homes. 

It's a mystifying place we have here. Love sharin' it with you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ma's surprise

Strolling through K-9 Town, I reached a favorite spot, where the sweet smells of colorful wild flowers, and the peaceful sounds of tiny creatures clinging to bright foliage, were enough to make me wanna lay down right there. But I had no mind to, not this time... I kept goin'.

Something was tugging on me, and I knew only one thing could take over me like that... Ma.

I didn't know what to expect, but I knew if Ma was in danger, Babee would have gotten word to me. I kept goin' in the direction I was pulled to go. 

Then I saw them!

I can't recall when I was that happy to see anything... but Ma's smiling face.

I howled... something I don't normally do... so loud, that birds took to the sky and the little creatures just mentioned went dead quiet. I scampered over to Ma and my baby brother.

"How's this for a surprise, Omar," she cried out, coming towards me with open arms, then encircling me in a tight hug. "It's my birthday. It's a big one so me and Babee decided to spend it with you and our pack."

I was about to let on how happy I was, when loud trampling, coming fast, scurried within earshot.

My howling had alerted my friends that something unexpected was happening. They wanted to be at my side. That's how we do for each other. 

Ma beamed, watching proudly as some dogs came close and others prowled the area - until they saw her and Babee. 

Cheerful yaps and spins took over a pack that seconds before were about to vengefully tackle any affronting situation.

"Calm down my beasts," Ma exclaimed joyfully, patting heads and vigorously rubbing bodies that took turns leaning against her for that special touch.

After loosing Babee from the lead that kept him from getting away from her during transport he ran off with his rough and ready young friends.

Time went too fast as we filled her in on a few things "we thought" she wasn't aware of but found out differently.

The females jumped with glee when Ma took their side against the males teaching the puppies, that they'd just came from, bad habits that were making them more unruly. Not that they couldn't handle them, but that wasn't the point.

As day passed on to a dark blue, treelined starry night, Ma, and Babee, grew tired. The time had come to say so long, for now. But not before the crooning bloodhound Lufa, and the usually shy wolf Bennie Ba, settled on a ridge close by, and surprised us all with a melody that raised Ma's birthday to new heights. 

With a wave of howlings, we all joined in. 

"Happy Birthday to meee!" Ma joined in too, looking as happy as I'd ever seen her, and so were we.

After the spirited sing along, as she and Babee cheerfully departed, both looked back. Their looks told all... No words needed sayin'.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mama's Day

Babee's handling Mama's Day for us. He's good at stuff like this. Says Ma likes to share her day. That's Okay with us.

We love you, Ma

Happy Mother's Day
from K-9 Town

Monday, April 29, 2024

Dobby and Legend - All dogs welcome!

I was taking a leisurely stroll with Ms. BeeBee. She was mighty quiet. I thought she was taking in the beautiful clear blue sky... or the smells of the colorful wild flowers we were passin'. 

I side-eyed her and saw her lips were set to say something, but she was pondering how to let it out. 

She caught my gaze and decided the time was then... 

"Omar," she woofed, fixing a stern expression on me. "Us females been wanting to get you to do something about you males teaching the puppies to misbehave. They're gettin' wilder and wilder. We just had to stop 'em from goin' after the baby tree ogres. That's good fighting practice and the tree ogres like a good clash, but that's not the point! They always come home with splinters in their little paws. Wearing them like badges of courage. Don't want them dug out."

I was wondering how I was gonna get clear of the scolding, when as luck would have it, Sandy the St. Bernard appeared over the horizon. 


"Omar! He called out. Look what I found wandering around, looking for K-9 Town." 

Two dogs I had never seen before came closer. The dogs, named Dobby and Legend, sat taking in their surroundings, then began explaining how they heard that we accepted all dogs who were ready to befriend and follow the laws of K-9 Town. They admitted being lost until they ran into Sandy.


Sandy's remarkable six sense had revealed there were dogs close-by seeking refuge. He reacted accordingly. This wasn't the first time.

After a quick, "Welcome to K-9 Town!" Ms. BeeBee took off like a shot to alert the pack, having put aside the practiced lecture about the puppies' antics.

When the foursome met up and were surrounded by the excited pack, it was Dobby who repeated how he and Legend were looking for a new way of living and were hoping to find it at K-9 Town. 

Some of the females took this opportunity to do a full inspection of Legend, whose handsome physique and mild manner indicated he enjoyed such attention, but was not in need of nurturing. They would make sure Dobby too was healthy and didn't need tending to. It was their responsibility.

Everything went well for the newcomers. We welcomed them just as those rumors said we would. That night we had a celebration to show them they were members of the K-9 Town Pack.

Since then, Dobby and Legend have taken to us, and we've taken to them. They fit in just fine.


Thursday, March 28, 2024

It's all about us

Ma's been mighty quiet. We finally found out what she's been up to. It's all about us. She's tellin' everybody we're "Coming soon" to a place called "Amazon," but hasn't told us how to get there yet.

That's Major Diggs, our warrior Eagle friend McZen, and me, when we were about to start up the mountains to see my dog kin. Gotta do that again soon.

You need to know what happened up there. Bet you'll take our side, cause we were in the right.

See you at Amazon. We're "Comin' Soon."

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Brotherly Love

Ma sent Babee to stay with me and the pack for a while. She said he was needing me. Sure was good watching my little brother comin' towards me, picking up speed when he eyed me. 

I had to have a talk with him before he went off to be cuddled by the females and catching up with his pals. Ma told me he's starting to back-talk, and I should have some words with him. I figured... better me, than her... for his own good. 😂

With steady eye contact and raised eyebrows, I came straight out with it. 

Babee, I grunted. You been back-talkin' Ma?

No, Omar! Who said so?

Ma, said so.

Glaring down to escape my gaze, with uneasy fidgeting, Oh! Is this about the mud?...

"Who said I was playing in mud again."
"I do not smell like poop."
"Bath for what?"
"I'm hungry!"

Boy was I sorry, Omar! Ma gave me three baths, and I didn't eat 'til after she washed me. Then she put me in time-out 'til I stopped complaining. 

Bet I won't be sassin' Ma again, Babee yelped, raising his head to meet my softening gape while moving closer, then nuzzling me.

Can't say I didn't warn you, I snorted, as we began moseying over to our friends.

Babee stayed and played. When he got tired, he was ready to get back home to Ma.

Friday, February 9, 2024

A Friend Indeed

We're on our way over to our YouTube Channel. Some of you have been asking Ma about how wolf Bennie Ba became a member of the Pack. He doesn't know it's gonna be all about him, lol. He's a little on the shy side so I ain't tellin' him. 

We're all swearing to behave again. Ma says we'd better.

Anyway, come with us. It's gonna be a lot of fun. There's Ma...

Where's Omar Blue!... Omarrrr!... I'm gonna get you for this!... It was pretty good though. Thanks, Ma.

In case some of you have a mind to visit our channel without us, here's how you get there. It's called "Adventures at K-9 Town - All Dogs Welcome."

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Merry Christmas at K-9 Town

Christmas was lots of fun. Starting when Poodle Sophie spread the word that the puppies were planning again, how they'd stay awake better than last time, cause they're bigger now. They'd be awake when Santa came.

Santa had his hands full so us dogs agreed that we'd see to the puppies treats and he would join us for the Christmas Party when he finished bringing joy to all the children.

Ma sent Babee to explain to Santa that nothing the puppies did since last year was really their faults. Just some misunderstandings, that's all.

While the Females kept the puppies' tummies full, Babee's energetic young friends kept them busy running and playing, with a little rough-housing thrown in, as the proud elder Males looked on. 

Babee arrived with the goodies from Santa. We found a secluded spot to wait for the others. 

When the puppies could no longer oppose their heavy eyelids, us dogs delivered their treats. Not a single eye opened, nor tiny body stirred.

Not long after our successful undertaking, Lufa the Bloodhound started his melodious howling to accompany Santa's arrival as only he could.

Santa's greeting was as exuberant as ever. "Let the Party begin," he bellowed... and it did.


Omar Blue and the K-9 Town Pack

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thanksgiving Day at K-9 Town - 2023


Ma wanted to supply Thanksgivin' turkeys for the pack. If it were up to her, the pack would be as spoiled as I used to be. Can't let that happen... Can't let some already caught turkeys upset the balance at K-9 Town. 

We're self-sufficient. Would mean our downfall if we weren't. Easy eatin' wouldn't be a good thing here. 

Ma understood but couldn't help offering. It's just her way.
Babee spent Thanksgiving at K-9 Town. He had a good time with his young friends. He's a part of the family here. The pack loves him like their own, and that's sayin' a lot.

He's such a little rascal. He'd be looking for fixed turkey leftovers when he got back home to Ma. Can't say I blame him. 
Ma and me came to an agreement. I'll let her tell you about it...

Ma: Glad to, Omar. Hope everyone had as good a day as we did.
Omar and me came to an understanding regarding how our pack celebrates Thanksgiving. Though I love the fact that they celebrate holidays and usually drag me into them, Thanksgiving is different...
While conferring with my Omar Blue
An idea came to me
Turkeys for our K-9 Pack

They celebrate too you see.

I offered him some turkeys
Then saw him smack his lips
But instead of accepting the turkeys
He offered me some tips.

Said, Ma you always mean well
And turkey sure taste good
But it ain’t the way we do things
Though it’s nice to know we could.
The puppies will be playin'
 Never knowin' what their missin'
Throughout the day they're running back

Seeking nothing more than kissin'.

Now doesn’t this sound good Ma
Handling it the natural way

I had to admit it sounded great
For a Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Babee's Thanksgiving Alert

We're so proud of my baby brother. Look what he's up to now...  

Babee Blue, Esq. - Attorney with Paws: THANKSGIVING ALERT

Be on the lookout - Turkeys, aka Trap Bait

Winning defenses upon request.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween Madness

As the moon shimmered its tranquil glow, K-9 Town inhabitants enjoyed nature at its purest. Ghouls, goblins and ghostly creatures had long since departed, after giving the puppies a night to remember... 

We noticed Zilly Boo hadn't arrived with her new beau but thought nothing of it. Never know what to expect from her.

I contacted Babee to make sure all was well... Nope!

Here's what Babee told me.

After a few drinks, Zilly and A-Boo went out front, to surprise any humans that might pass by.

When night fell, the lovebirds decided instead of coming to K-9 Town, they would take in a scary movie while Ma and Babee gave out trick or treats. 

It so happens, one of A-Boo's old flames was in the movie and Zilly got mad 'cause A-Boo picked out the movie. She kicked him out of the house. 

Now she's upset and refusing to leave.

Ma had a long talk with her but is letting Babee handle it. He's giving Zilly 'til night-time, then he's not putting up with any more of her shenanigans.

UPDATE - JUST IN: A-Boo came back for Zilly Boo. They made up, bid Ma and Babee good-bye with "See you next year" ghost screams, and off they went.

Until next year...
