Christmas at K-9 Town was great. The puppies had a ball and us Elders and Santa had our late night celebration.
Pitbulls Sammy and Margie surprised us with a visit from a family member. Jasper. He spent Christmas with us. He wouldn't stay afterwards. Said he liked it here very much but had to get back home to his beloved human family. That's fine. He knows he's always welcome here.
The females wanted to do some nurturing, but me and the males convinced them to let Jasper go have fun.
Babee Blue and some of his friends were waiting for him. Babee explained that their job was to get the puppies too tired and sleepy to bother Santa while he was delivering their presents. The puppies love pouncing and rough-housing so it's a lot of fun. They were vowing to catch Santa this year and play with him... after they collected all of their presents, of course.
I left to go help Santa. I do every year. We finished delivering toys to all the boys and girls, then headed to K-9 Town.