Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ode to Omar Blue

It's not easy being the leader of K-9 Town, but Omar Blue thinks nothing of the challenges brought about by the wilderness they've selected to call home. Going beyond the call of duty never outweighs the bonds created through friendships and loyalties of his pack.

He wouldn't have it any other way...

The Pack Leader’s Task


Omar never mentions

the trails he walks alone

to shield his beloved K-9 Town

from obstacles unknown.


Sometimes he walks for hours

sometimes he’s gone all day

to see what threats await his pack

to handle them his way.


He calls his trekking, thoughtful strolls

that’s only partially true

he’s seeking signs of danger

if only the others knew.


His pack would rally at his side

rain, sleet, sun, or snow

but he shall never tell them

and they shall never know.