They're learnin' about us. Some come to get away for a while. Some can't go back.
Doesn't matter. They're all welcome here.
We keep an eye out. Don't want them meetin' up with any unsavory creatures, 'til they're ready.
Greetings! Babee and I are glad you made it. Omar Blue lived at home with us, until the higher calling. Then against all odds, he and his fierce, but peace seeking pack, founded "K-9 Town." How they exist in this mystifying wilderness, is a tale that comes with exciting adventures, that test their strengths -- and weaknesses. You are now, a part of this enchanting journey. At home and beyond... Welcome.
They're learnin' about us. Some come to get away for a while. Some can't go back.
Doesn't matter. They're all welcome here.
We keep an eye out. Don't want them meetin' up with any unsavory creatures, 'til they're ready.
Ma's alter ego, Ma O, is here, setting up camp for our new YouTube storytellin' channel. She's not being fair. Won't tell us nothing about it. Says it gonna be a surprise.
That's mighty exciting, but we need to know what she's up to. What if she needs some protectin'?
I sent in one of our best puppy spies to get the scoop, but you know Ma, she suspected what we were up to. I think she saw me peeping in, without even looking back.