Sunday, November 16, 2014

Omar Blue And The Puppys' Clubhouse


It's chilly tonight. Me and Ma are staying in. She's getting the snacks. I saw my marrow bone. I'm going to tell her some more about when I took my pack up into the mountains to see my canine kin.
She loves hearing about the puppies and this is one that had me and my friends amused for a good while.

They spend a lot of time trying to outsmart us elders. We love it. We want them to have all the fun they can but we watch them closely. We teach them how to survive in the dangerous wilderness. Above all, they have to learn how to protect themselves and each other. 
Here she is. "Thanks, Ma. Are you ready?"
"Just a second, Omar........Okay, I'm all set."
This is about my happy pack

what were those puppies up to

they were being mighty quiet now

keeping something in full view.


“It’s beautiful,” said cocker puppy Joe

and the other puppies agreed

“It will make a wonderful clubhouse

it’s exactly what we need.”

Komondor Cooley Junior

 spoke up next

“We’re here for a whole day

we’ll fix our clubhouse up real nice

and have a good place to play.


We’ll get furs from my pa pa

to make our beds tonight

the elders will let us stay here

as long as we’re in sight.”


“That’s right,” said beagle puppy Maggie
"We’ll be all on our own

we’re gonna have lots of fun tonight

if they let us stay alone.”

Was poodle puppy Dumplin’s turn 

“Let’s gather what we need”

they all ran out together

each trying to take the lead.

"I'm telling you Ma, I heard all this

but please don't ask me how

I love overseeing the puppies though

especially times like now.

They're always planning something new

always busy having fun

that’s just the way we want it

their lives have just begun.


Soon enough through teaching

they’ll have to face our land

strong, proud, and fearless

with the rest of the pack they’ll stand."

The puppies had gathered

their odds and ends

to make their clubhouse great

the elders weren’t allowed in there

at the door they’d have to wait.

"As day went on, dusk came along

they came and joined the pack

they ate then told us elders

'We’re leaving but we’ll be back.'

They noticed not an elder budged

we acted like we didn’t care

of course we saw them leaving

for their clubhouse right over there.

ha, ha, ha, ha, ha"

The puppies walked off slowly

it was getting pretty dark

they could hardly see their clubhouse

should have left some kind of mark.


They made it to the front door

but didn’t rush to go in

by now they were pretty tired

wanting home and their “real” den.

The clubhouse was looking different now

kind of spooky one might say

how could it look like this now

it was beautiful all day!

They looked around at each other

what were they going to do

they didn’t want to go in there

then they heard Omar Blue.


This is the place you talked about

we weren’t to come in here

that’s right this is your clubhouse

I’ll go to sleep elsewhere.”

“No, no, no leader Omar

we’re not gonna make a fuss

you’re tired and you need your rest

so come lay down with us.”

I was smiling to myself, Ma

“How very nice of you, 

if it weren’t for your kindness

I don’t know what I’d do.

The little tykes smiled at me

then they jumped up for joy

no longer feeling tired

I was with them, boy oh boy!

I sat there Ma, and watched them

until their strength was gone

one by one they came to me

for an empty spot to lay on.

I had told the other elders

about my evening plans

so they could get in on it too

we're a pack of puppy fans.

In the morning when they woke up

I had already gone

their clubhouse was looking pretty again

what do you think went wrong?"
Omar had finished the story. All I could say was, "Wow." I had been mesmerized. Those K-9 Town puppies are always so entertaining, just like Omar Blue and the rest of his pack. 

This particular story can be found in Book 2 of my Omar Blue saga, Led By An Eagle.
For more of our "true tales," please join us again soon.
Friend us on Facebook and tell your friends about us. We love visitors.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Let It Rain, Let It Rain

The weekend is here but it's raining out. Ma said I could invite some of my friends over. Some of them have been asking me about K-9 Town and my pack, because they haven't been there yet. I'll be taking them soon. 
We were waiting for Spartacus and his little sis Athena Puddy. Aren't they sharp in their cute outfits.
"Go ahead in the room and get comfortable, you two." They visit often and love K-9 Town.
I'm running out to get my friend Bree. She's waiting for me after visiting some of our friends down in the hood.
"Maaaaa, make a big space!" 

Bree had our good friend Hertta with her. She came in and made herself right at home.  
I was able to pull Batdog away from patrolling Gotham and New York Cities. Look at how alert she is, waiting to hear about her K-9 Town friends. I take her there for a rest sometimes. They love her. Especially the females who make a fuss over her. They're so nurturing.
Just one missing. My friend Floyd is on his way. Here he comes now. I knew he'd find us.
"In here Floyd!"

The only one missing is my friend Crixus. He's babysitting his cute little brother Maddox. They're trying on their Halloween outfits to keep him busy. Cool stuff, huh. He's visits me and Ma often so he's okay with it.
"Next time Crixus!"
"We're ready Maaaaa!" She's in the kitchen getting the snacks. Here she comes. Now we can get started.....we're all comfy.

She wants to tell them how she worries about me when I'm gone. Oh boy! Not quite what I had in mind. It's okay though. Here goes......


 Omar would often tell me

Of walks he takes alone

While at his beloved K-9 Town

The reason was unknown.


He said he'd walk for hours

Sometimes be gone all day

To see what threats await his pack

Or to handle them his own way.


He says its just a thoughtful stroll

But I know that's not quite true

He's looking for signs of danger

I wish the others knew.


His pack would be right by his side

Rain, sleet, sun or snow

But then it wouldn't be that thoughtful stroll

So I guess they need not know.

Ma gets so mushy sometimes but my friends love her. At K-9 Town, they call her Ma O. She heard it first from Afghan Bee Bee. I could tell she liked it.
The rain has let up. Time to get everyone home safely.
Batdog offered to drop all of them off, on her way home. I know it's hard to believe, but she travels by her own rainbow. Ma says that's because what she does, always helping others, is so very important and special.
They said their goodbyes. All as happy as could be. Then off they went, encircled by the rainbow. 
Until next time.

A very special thanks to my old Facebook friends who never mind me including them in Omar's "true tales." And, to our new Facebook friends at Doberman Woooh Fanclub where you can meet those you haven't seen here before.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Authors Banning Together - How Cool Is That!

Ma is trying to help some of my friends again. I'll let her tell you about it.

Thank you Omar. As an author and poet, I'm so glad to be a part of this true venture of kindness with other authors who have the same intentions as me. What are our intentions? To do everything within our meager powers, to help as many animals find loving homes and kindness, as possible.

The finished product is all we hoped it would be.

"Read for Animals #2" is a compilation of stories and poems with pictures and phrases that will delight and entertain. Now available in e-book and paperback, we hope you will consider purchasing a copy.

Purchases can be made through GoldenBoxBooks Publishing,, Barnes & Noble, etc., keeping in mind that all proceeds will be donated to Rescue Centers for Animals in the US and UK.

There is nothing I like better than feeling that I am helping to change the lives of unfortunate animals, because as we all know, they can't help themselves.

I get carried away at times, writing about how I wish things could be. I live my fantasy through my Doberman, Omar Blue, his fictitious pack and the town they have started, K-9 Town, USA.

I tell one of these stories in "Read for Animals #2," "Omar Blue and the K-9 Underground."
In this short story, Omar and his pack have gone beyond rescue. They are offering their way of life, love and happiness to all the canines they rescue and those that can find a way to contact or get to them. I hope you will get to read my story and the other contributions to this wonderful undertaking.

Someone asked me how I got started with my writings, so further to the aforementioned, and since I was enjoying this immensely, I continued.
In my early years I never thought about being an author. I'd write poetry and stories, but only for my own reading and enjoyment. Until, my older sister Beatrice got very ill. Throat cancer.

One Sunday afternoon while visiting (she was staying with another sister who is retired,) I read a short story to her that I had written about my dog Omar Blue. It was in verse and she liked it very much.
I started adding to the story and every Sunday after that my other two sisters, me and my nieces would get together and I would read what I had added on during the week. My sister Bea loved it, the "book" (as it turned into) and the attention, of course.
I'm very happy to say that I was able to finish it and did my best reading, before she passed away, because I dedicated the last chapter to her.
The character was Bee Bee the beautiful Afghan Hound that became Omar Blue's love interest. I gave Bee Bee my sister's personality and it was obvious. Bea smiled as I read.
She was very weak by then but there was no doubt that she appreciated this and the fact that we were with her, showing our love for her.
The name of my first novelette was, "Omar Blue and K-9 Town, USA." I've since written another in what is now my Omar Blue Saga, "Led By An Eagle," and I am working on my first novel that will not be in verse, "The Takeover."
I have a very unique blog, as I mentioned above with quite a few visitors.
Not including one of my current posts about my darling daughter's wonderful wedding last weekend, it's about Omar Blue, his pack and "our" adventures. Yes, they do drag me into them sometimes. Hope you'll visit us too. We're easy to find.



Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Daughter Joy's Wedding Day

My baby girl got married
It was such a lovely day
The sun outside was shining bright
Leading us all the way
As we waited for the time to come
When she'd walk down the aisle
So many things about to change
In just a little while
When they stood in front of the preacher
I could swear I saw some tears
Tears of joy for we all knew
This bond would last for years
Then the time came to eat and be merry
She danced the night away
With the groom looking on
As the memories were born
Surely this was his luckiest day.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


I'm honored to tell you, I've been asked to join several other animal loving authors and poets in publishing an Anthology of pet stories. Needless to say, that was right up my alley and in addition, "all" proceeds will go to animal shelters in the US and UK. The name of the book is Read For Animals #2 and it is now published on Amazon Kindle at a price of only $2.99, for anyone who might be interested.

The wonderful stories and poems are unique. You may even notice the differences in writing styles between countries.

Some of the stories will make you laugh, some will make you cry. Some, like mine, will have you wondering, as I hope they normally do, "What if.....

Friday, July 4, 2014

Omar Blue - The Komondors Cometh

I’ve been asked where some of my characters come from, so of course I have to ask Omar Blue. If you’ve read either of the first two books in my Omar Blue Saga, you know the two K-9 Town Seers, Great Dane Granny and Komondor Rasta Mama are quite an interesting duo.

Omar says Great Dane Granny, whose gift allows her to ward off bad spirits, doesn’t like attention, but Komondor Rasta Mama is just the opposite. But, if we talk about Rasta Mama first, Great Dane Granny will want her turn. That’s what he intended to do. This is Komondor Rasta Mama. Isn’t she something.

While I went for the snacks, he got comfortable in his favorite chair. Then we were ready.

Omar started telling me about the day his close friend Komondor Rasta Kooley came to K-9 Town, with Rasta Mama and the rest of his family in tow.

It was a beautiful sunny morning,

in K-9 Town, USA.

They were having a big outing;

all the dogs were at play.

But in the pack, there did remain,

a restless St. Bernard.

Who decided he would take a walk

staying put was just too hard.


As he walked on, he came upon,

a fascinating pack.

Three Elders and four puppies,

with strange hair down their backs.

He asked them where they came from;

they said from far away.

He’d take them to his leader;

this was their lucky day.

They were so very tired;

 more walking would be hard.

But they had met a new friend,

in Sandy the St. Bernard.

When Sandy got them to the pack,

the Elders circled around.

They said, “Sandy, sit them down right here,

til Omar Blue is found.”

Omar Blue came in right then;

he’d seen them coming up.

The St. Bernard was moving fast,

carrying all four pups.


 “I’m Komondor Rasta Kooley;

our breed is from overseas.

We settled here some time ago,

a place called New Orleans.

I know we may look strange to you,

our hair,  some call them dreds.

I do admit our long tight locks,

do turn a lot of heads.

I travel with my lovely wife

my little puppies too.

From what I see, how glad we’d be,

to settle down with you.”


And this is Rasta Mama;

she’s everyone’s delight.

Her dreams sometimes will help us,

her gift of second sight.”

Omar looked each up and down;

“I’ve heard of you before.

I had a friend, some time ago,

Pow Wow Komondor.

Now Rasta Mama, what is this gift,

He’s calling second sight.

We don’t believe in Voodoo,

or creatures in the night.”

Rasta Mama looked at him;

“I wouldn’t lie to you.

Sometimes I get a vision,

of things that soon come true.

I would never tell you anything,

I think would hurt the pack.

I’d use my gift to help you all,

and always have your back.

I dreamed that we would be here,

about a month ago.

I saw a mighty leader,

I would be very glad to know.

In my dream I also saw,

my Kooley at your side.

With the others in your pack,

all heads held high with pride.”

She stopped, as they all heard a noise,

 and looked across the bay.

About 20 coyotes getting close,

what did they want today?

They wouldn’t have given it a second thought,

until they noticed Coyote Red.

A troublemaker from the past,

talking and bobbing his head.

“You all wait here,”the Komondor said;

“I know they’re looking for me.

I’ll be right back but just in case,

take care of my family.”

Kooley shot off like a bullet,

but the pack ran just as fast.

Leader Omar Blue in front of them,

with the smallest pulling up last.

Rasta Kooley spoke to Omar first,

“You shouldn’t have brought them here.

Just something I’ve got to straighten out,

and I’ll be back over there.”

He looked around, surprised to find,

the females had joined them too.

But they didn’t look like females now,

just canines with something to do!

Rasta Kooley turned to face the group,

that had followed him all this way.

He asked “What you scoundrels doing here?

I know you didn’t come to play.”


The leader said, “You stole from us,

that’s why we’re hunting you.

The furs you took are ours,

so you know what you better do.”

“I won those furs fair and square;

I wasn’t planning on any trouble.

It was dumb of you, to raise that bet,

then worse when you bet double.

I think you all should leave now;

you shouldn’t want to stay.

But if you do, I promise you,

You’re going to regret this day!”

The coyotes were looking at Rasta Kooley,

but more so at his back.

They’d never seen anything like them,

Omar Blue and His Pack.

It was Coyote Red as usual,

talking from behind.

“You know Kooley stole those furs of yours,

why you being so doggone kind?”

While Coyote Red was moving up,

his pals were moving on.

When he turned to see them heading out,

he knew he’d better be gone.

Rasta Kooley turned to face the pack,

“I’m sorry I spoiled your day.

Didn’t mean to bring this upon you,

To bad it had to happen this way.

It was Omar Blue who spoke to him,

“You spoiled nothing that way.

In fact we found out more about you,

then if we had talked all day.”

He joined the pack and started back,

so happy that they could stay.

He saw his wife with the female Elders,

and knew she felt the same way.

It was late that night, they were packing up,

to get back to the den.

The shepherds were waking the puppies up

They’d been knocked out since 10.

Then Rasta Mama came over,

to talk to Omar Blue.

She said, “You’re as great a leader

as rumors say of you.

You knew what you were doing,

following my Kooley today.

You knew those coyotes would take one look,

then want to get away.

Remember the dream, I spoke about,

you all standing together with pride.

I saw it in each face today,

when your pack was at your side.”

“Thank you Rasta Mama;

It has been a pretty good day.

Nice to have you here with us,

we’re glad you found the way.

What you saw was nothing special;

that’s just how we react.

We face our troubles together;

our enemies know that fact.”

With all the Elders now listening

Rasta Mama turned to say,

“Thank you all, we are going to love it here

at K-9 Town USA.”

“That’s exactly what happened, Ma,” Omar said as he finished his story. I knew this to be true because it’s almost the same as it’s told in a chapter in my first book, Omar Blue and K-9 Town, USA.
I hope you’ve enjoyed another of our “true tales.”