I was recently tagged by author of horror, fantasy and fiction Pam Kinney to participate in The Next Big Thing, where authors answer ten questions about their works in progress. If you aren't familiar, visit her at Fantastic Dreams of Pamela K. Kinney. Browse her site to see what she's up to and see some really fantastic/weird/unique photos.
In turn I tagged an excellent author for next week's post. Angie Merriam. Always busy, she is a writer of the Neveah fantasy trilogy which has been described as having the magic of J.K. Rowling and the sexual tension of Nora Roberts. I had the honor of being featured in an anthology she compiled, "Intertwine." I've told you about it. You can visit her @
Thank you Pam for asking what I'm up to. I'll tell you:
What is the working title of my book?
It's already published and the name of my most recent work is "Led By An Eagle."
Where did the idea come from for my book?
It's a continuation of my saga about my doberman Omar Blue and his fictitious (can't say that too loud) pack. After writing the first book, different situations to put Omar and his pack in, come very easy to me. They're lifestyles are in tune with human lifestyles and their feelings for each other are what we all wish for in our true world. I can look at a picture or hear someone talking about something they did with friends or family and ideas for my canine's stories pop into my head.
What genre does "Led By An Eagle" fall under?
I call it family fantasy for all ages. Eight to ninety-four are the ages I've covered, taking into consideration the readings to children, adults and senior citizens in hospitals and assisted living communities. They don't like us because we're available, they geniunely love my story and most even pick out favorite characters. I could go on and on about these events but I'll save that for another time. What a good time my daughter Joy and I have reading about Omar Blue and his pack.
What actors would I choose to play my characters in a movie rendition?
I think we'd better make it one of those "Shek" type movies so we can let the imagination run wild.
What is a one sentence synopsis of "Led By An Eagle?"
Family love, the strongest bond, is what prevails in Omar Blue's pack and strenghtens them against all odds.
Where did I submit for publication?
I am self-published in paperback and e-book form. This book can be purchased through Amazon.com, Kindle e-books and other popular distributors.
How long did it take to write the first draft of my manuscript?
A few months. I really never stopped thinking about add ons to my Omar Blue saga.
What other books would I compare my story to?
I've read, and liked, other books about animals but they are not enough like mine to compare. I think my saga and my characters are unique. Those who have read it agree.
What else about your book might pique the readers interest?
My stories, Led By An Eagle, and Omar Blue and K-9 Town, USA, are told in rhymes.
The smooth flow of my poetry enhances the readers enjoyment whether reading alone or to others.
Who or what inspired me to write this book?
My inspiration comes from the need to be creative and my love for writing. I love writing fantasy. In fantasy you have to explain "why things happen" but you don't have to explain "how things happen." Thank goodness, because I'd be in big trouble, ha, ha.