Monday, February 17, 2020

What's Ma up to now

Ma:  I'm proud and excited that my big boy Omar Blue and his magnificent pack at K-9 Town will be sharing their adventures as a serial in the popular fantasy publication, "Altered Reality Magazine."

Omar and his pack are very happy. They love sharing their unique exploits. At the meeting below, one of his friends jovially inquired, "Does this mean we're celebrities, Omar." The others couldn't contain themselves.  They hooted until their stomachs and jaws ached. Silly things. Including Omar Blue. long as they're happy, I'm happy. 

Omar will keep you posted. He doesn't want anyone to miss their debut. Neither do I.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Omar Blue and the K-9 Town puppy dilemma

Babee Blue:  I'm back home now. I was at K-9 Town last weekend with my big brother Omar. There was some excitement.  This is what happened.

A puppy had gone missing
we didn't know where could it be
none of us had seen it
no clue!

We had a town meeting 
a decision was made
we had to go tell
“Omar Blue”.

The best leader ever
my big brother is so smart
and as brave as he can be.

He even looked into
the mountain lions' den
but the puppy
he still did not see.

Then a thought came to Omar
 one missing piece
he hadn’t talked with its kin!

So he went to the mommy
who suddenly recalled
her litter was nine
and not ten!

When the forlorn pack, including me, found this out, we were so happy, that we couldn't contain our joy. Guess you can say we went wild(er). Nothing like this had ever happened before.  It was more proof that leader Omar could solve any problems that might arise.

What a weekend it was!

Ma's getting our snacks now. She wants me to tell her all about it. 

Somehow I think she already knows.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Missing big brother

Babee Blue:  Ma, can I go to K-9 Town this weekend to see my big brother Omar, and play with my friends?

Ma:  Okay, Babee. I'm sure he misses you too.