Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Christmas message from Omar Blue, Babee and Ma

I had to spend time with Ma for Christmas. It's our special time.
Babee came back to K-9 Town with me to celebrate with my pack. We have a big party every year.
As usual, Santa will make our puppies his last stop, so he can stay for the party. Here he is last year, having a ball, dropping it like it's hot, haha.
This year's party is going to be even bigger.
In the meantime, we have a message for you. We wish you the very best Holiday Season you've ever had.

Love to all!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Omar Blue - The How and the Why

My deceased companion, Omar Blue, became so much more.
He was my confidante when sadness would surely have closed in on me. As a puppy, I realized how lonely I'd be one day, due to his natural life expectancy.
As he got older I began to write about what I perceived as his qualities. A born leader.

Because of this, his mighty pack and K-9 Town came to be.
He's always just a thought away and there's no limit, as you see, to my imagination.

Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you.
Love to all,

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Omar Blue - Respect


K-9 Town leader, Omar Blue has the unwavering love and loyalty of his pack. His authority is never questioned.
What has he done to command such respect? Just look around, then go to:
